Monday, August 5, 2013

Leon Uris: Trinity & Exodus

One of my teammates on the lacrosse club I play for recommended that I try reading novels by an author named Leon Uris, specifically, Trinity. He also mentioned Exodus. I got Trinity from the library last week and I am really loving it. It's about 900 pages and has an "epic tale" feel to it.  I'm 300 pages in and can't wait to keep reading. I also read the sample of Exodus, and will surely be reading that one next.

There is nothing better for an avid reader ( for me at least ) than finding out about a new author, who delivers the goods. Kudos and thanks to the late Leon Uris for the entertainment and knowledge broadening experience his wrting has provided me with!!


  1. This is pretty funny, Sean, as one of the members of my Finnegans Wake group has been big on Trinity lately and I've been hearing a lot off passing references to it. I remember it being a big deal to a friend I was visiting at the London School of Economics decades ago. Not much in between. Glad it still holds up.

    1. Seana, I'm diggging it. Exodus is a much more contemporary story in both time and writing style, although it take splace in the 1960's.

  2. I have these books but the hugeness of them has long deterred me from reading them.

  3. Charles- Hopefully, you can fnd the time to read them, someday. Thay are shorter than The Stand, Under The Dome, and IT, if that is any consolation :)
