Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Review: OUTSOURCED by Dave Zeltserman

Finished this eBook version  in two days. The length was 230 pages, using a fairly large font size. I certainly recommend this as worthy read, especially if you really dig heist stories. I put the following review up yesterday. 

5.0 out of 5 stars A Clever Heist Story December 18, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition
This author has been on my radar for a while and after looking through his website, decided to read the sample of this novel. I was intrigued enough by the sample and purchased it. I love heist story's, the author is from the Boston area ( like me), and the story takes place in Massachusetts. A good start out of the gate, but still, the story had to be good to keep my interest, especially with a heist. Happy to report that my experience was very satisfying and I really enjoyed the ride. The author tells the tale in a format that I really love, ie; the story moves forward at all times, but characters are introduced as the story progresses and they all intersect throughout and in the end nicely. Very well done. I'd compare this way of storytelling to that of Guy Ritchie, Tarantino, Goodfella's, Casino, Blow etc... I enjoyed the heist crew, the unique robbery plan, and the Russian bad guys. The police / law enforcement piece of the story was done just to my liking. Just enough to add to the story, without too much annoying procedural detail and cliche, which will make me drop reading a story in a heartbeat. Bottom line: OUTSOURCED was decently priced at under $6.00, well-written and edited, a good story, and kept me very interested and entertained until the end. Can't ask much more for my investment and I will certainly be looking to read another novel from the author, which at this point looks like it will be "KILLER".


  1. If you read it in 2 days that's a pretty good recommendation in itself.

    1. Yeah, It def had the "what happens next" factor to it. Plus, I might have done a bit of reading at work as well...shhhh :)
