John Kenyon, who is the brains behind the way cool print mag and online site,"GRIFT", has announced that Untreed Reads has e-published GRIMM TALES. 17 crime themed stories inspired by classic fairytales.
GRIMM TALES is available at Untreed Reads site HERE, as well as Amazon, B&N, and the Apple iBookstore.
Ken Bruen, who wrote the forward for GRIMM TALES says:
"The stories all display not only marvellous invention, turning the whole concept of fairytales on its mysterious head, but breathing new life into a genre that has become, if not familiar, certainly stale".
Along with the other 16 excellent writers who have stories in this collection, I am happy to say that my story "Divided We Stand" is also included.
So, if you do decide to check it out, and maybe even buy it, I hope you enjoy it and sincerely thank you for giving it a read.
When wealthy Russian investors contract L.A. psychologist Joel Fischer to develop a device to manipulate minds, the Dreemweever exceeds all expectations. Everything is on track for delivery and a big payday, until two adventurous stoners steal his Dodge Challenger that, unknown to them, contains the Dreemweever in its trunk. Fischer and his crew have two days to get it back or he dies.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Some Good Info From Steve Brewer
Over at Steve Brewer's blog, he provides some nice tips on Noir /Hardboiled novels, collections, and films, as he prepares to start his teaching gig in New Mexico. Def worth a read HERE
Short Stories,
Steve Brewer
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Whole Bleedin' Lot @ Flash Fiction Offensive
Spent some of the weekend reading all the of the tremendous 38 stories in the highly anticipated OFF THE RECORD collection. All proceeds from the e-book sales will go to children's literacy charities in the UK and US. It's available on Amazon US / UK, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords. Big time kudos to the mastermind and publisher Luca Veste. Check out all the details at his site HERE
Friday, November 25, 2011
LEBANON: A Movie Recommendation
One of the best things about having On Demand through my cable provider, is sometimes you stumble across movies that you would not have found out about. I hit the jackpot Weds night whan I decided to watch a foreign movie called LEBANON. Here's the description that I read and made me give it a try:
"June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot contain. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the chaos of war."
Think DAS BOOT, but it takes place in a tank.
This movie was excellent. The story, film technique, and huge amounts of tension and suspence, all added up to a great experience. This does have subtitles, but that has never been a problem for me. After a few minutes, I dont even realize I am reading them. I give it 5 STARS, and a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
"June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot contain. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the chaos of war."
Think DAS BOOT, but it takes place in a tank.
This movie was excellent. The story, film technique, and huge amounts of tension and suspence, all added up to a great experience. This does have subtitles, but that has never been a problem for me. After a few minutes, I dont even realize I am reading them. I give it 5 STARS, and a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Two From Charlie Wade
Charlie Wade, who blogs over at SpiesLiesandPies has couple of excellent stories on the web today. Each one, left me wishing there was more. Charlie is surely a writer I will be following closely in the future. He has mucho talent, and the diversity in style and writing on display between both stories is very impressive.
Check out "School Daze" now showing at Thrilllers Killers-n-Chiller's HERE
And over at Shotgun Honey, you can find "Route A66 Diner" HERE
Thursday, November 17, 2011
News From Two of The Goodfellas
Tonight is the Irish Book Awards. Talented writer, Crime Always Pays blog host, and great friend to his fellow writers, Deckan Burke, is up for the Crime Fiction award. His post today over at CAP provides a bit of insight into what the event will be like. ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL is a tremendous novel and one of the best I have read this year. He's facing some stiff competion, but my fingers are crossed and I cannot wait to find out the results. Best of luck to one of the good guys! Details HERE
Sticking with the theme of writers who are very talented as well as nice, generous people, Col Bury posted a review of Lily Childs' MAGETA SHAMAN over at his site. Now, at face value, I would not normally read this genre, but because Col provided such an excellent review, he highly recommended it, and I know how talented Lily is as a writer, I will surely be reading it. You can check it out HERE
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Beat On The Street
Charlie Stella is an author that has always been on my list, and thanks to Peter Rozovsky who posted a review of Mr. Stella's novel CHARLIE OPERA, I got the kick in the ass I needed to start digging in. I just down loaded JIMMY BENCH-PRESS. I wanted to start with JOHNNY PORNO, but it is only available in paperback. Check out Peter's review HERE
Just finished Julie Morrigan's CONVICTIONS, and posted this review at Amazon and Smashwords:
5 stars: A Terrific Mystery Story
"Convictions is an excellent story that mystery and thriller fans will surely enjoy. As hard as I tried to guess the ending, I was not able to. This is a character driven, emotional ride, that avoids the usual cliches associated with law enforcement, as they try to get to the bottom of who's abducting the children. Investigator Karen Fitzgerald was a favorite of mine, but there are many other excellent players on both sides of the law throughout. The story, top notch writing, and excellent editing, all add up to "highly recommended" for me."
The Nerd of Noir posted a great interview with Allan Guthrie over at Spinetingler HERE
AJ Hayes really knocked my socks off with his story BERTINO'S HEAD over at Absolutely * Kate's Place HERE
I'm all about music, so when Adrian Mckinty, after reviewing Rolling Stone Mags top 500 albums, listed his top 25 HERE, I just had to check it out. Very diverse selections from the commenters as well. 3 of the ones Adrian listed would have made my list:
3. Houses of the Holy - Led Zeppelin
4. Let It Bleed - The Rolling Stones
16. Are You Experienced - Jimi Hendrix
And without boring you with my list, here are just a few:
-Van Halen 1 & 2 (tie) - Van Halen
Patti Abbott has a very entertaining story BLACK WHITE AND RED ALL OVER, at the Flash Fiction Offensive HERE
Just finished Julie Morrigan's CONVICTIONS, and posted this review at Amazon and Smashwords:
5 stars: A Terrific Mystery Story
"Convictions is an excellent story that mystery and thriller fans will surely enjoy. As hard as I tried to guess the ending, I was not able to. This is a character driven, emotional ride, that avoids the usual cliches associated with law enforcement, as they try to get to the bottom of who's abducting the children. Investigator Karen Fitzgerald was a favorite of mine, but there are many other excellent players on both sides of the law throughout. The story, top notch writing, and excellent editing, all add up to "highly recommended" for me."
The Nerd of Noir posted a great interview with Allan Guthrie over at Spinetingler HERE
AJ Hayes really knocked my socks off with his story BERTINO'S HEAD over at Absolutely * Kate's Place HERE
I'm all about music, so when Adrian Mckinty, after reviewing Rolling Stone Mags top 500 albums, listed his top 25 HERE, I just had to check it out. Very diverse selections from the commenters as well. 3 of the ones Adrian listed would have made my list:
3. Houses of the Holy - Led Zeppelin
4. Let It Bleed - The Rolling Stones
16. Are You Experienced - Jimi Hendrix
And without boring you with my list, here are just a few:
-Appetite For Destruction - Guns-n-Roses
-Live Bootleg - Aerosmith
- Exile on Main Street - Stones-Van Halen 1 & 2 (tie) - Van Halen
Patti Abbott has a very entertaining story BLACK WHITE AND RED ALL OVER, at the Flash Fiction Offensive HERE
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Great God Pan and....
After reading a post regarding suspense, by Charles Gramlich, that he did over at the Novel Spaces blog, The novel "The Great God Pan" by Athur Machen popped into my mind. This is an old novel, but perfectly defines a form of horror based suspense, for me at least. Anyone else ever read this? If not, might want to give it a go. Charles' post can be found HERE and info about the novel can be found HERE
-Over at Adrian McKinty's place, he's listed his top 25 "Micksploitation" ( great term ) movies that are condesending toward the Irish folk, and a few that truly depict how things should be portrayed. Tons of interesting comments and def worth a look HERE
- Found a couple of short stories that I really enjoyed reading, and you might too. Nick Bolduck's "Exposure" is over at A Twist of Noir HERE and Graham Smith's "Shooting Stars" is at Thriller's Killer's -n- Chillers HERE
-Over at Adrian McKinty's place, he's listed his top 25 "Micksploitation" ( great term ) movies that are condesending toward the Irish folk, and a few that truly depict how things should be portrayed. Tons of interesting comments and def worth a look HERE
- Found a couple of short stories that I really enjoyed reading, and you might too. Nick Bolduck's "Exposure" is over at A Twist of Noir HERE and Graham Smith's "Shooting Stars" is at Thriller's Killer's -n- Chillers HERE
Graham Smith,
Nick Boldock,
The Great God Pan
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Beat On The Street
Finally, we were able to have Trick-or-Treat this Saturday, after the powers that be in my town postponed it, because of the ice/snow storms that brought most of Massachusetts to its knees. We were lucky to have not lost our electricity, but a whole lot of people went up to five days without it. The official hours of T-or-T were 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Very strange, as it was sunny out the whole time. $10.00 at the Salvation Army got me the above Disco Dan get-up.
Here's a few things of note that I checked out on the web.
- It's November, so that means it's Noir time over at Absolutely * Kate's place. Already some great stories have been posted by some familiar names. Today, it is Chris Rhatigan. Bop on over to The Bijou HERE
- Speaking of Mr. Rhatigan, he provided links to some very good stories by Erin Cole and Julie Morrigan HERE
-Darren Sant provided an excellent review of Paul Brazill's "Drunk On The Moon" series HERE
- Over at Tony Black's Place, Ray Banks is talking to Allen Guthrie about "Dead Money" Not to be missed, HERE
- Editor at the Flash Fiction Offensive, Dave Barber, has announced that the FFO has re-opened for submissions HERE
- Seems like Mr. Barber also has some competition in his house. Check out his daughter's first published piece of writing, and be sure to take a look at all the comments HERE
- Top writer and overall good guy, Nigel Bird, has an interview over at Luca Veste's blog HERE
- Last week, Sandra Seamans had an excellent post regarding the lack of women getting published in crime fiction, and self- promotion HERE. Well, Chris LaTray has taken the baton from Sandra and posted a candid, well thought out post HERE
- I had never heard of film director Jim Jarmusch before, but thanks to Paul Waters' Blackwatertown blog, I am very intrigued by the films he has made, especially "Dead Man" starring one of my fave actors, Johnny Depp. Check out another well written and interesting segment of "The Day I Met..." HERE
- Finally, author Lee Goldberg of "Monk" fame, and Joe Konrath share some intesting stats regarding their print vs ebook sales at Joe K's blog HERE
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Monkey Tree is at Thriller's Killer's -n- Chillers
Thrillers Killers -n- Chillers was the first online story site I discoved that focused on crime and horror stories. It's been over a year now and because of that site, I have met so many talanted writers, who more importantly, are just damn nice people, always willing to lend a helping hand, ear, or offer encouragement. My first online story was featured there. What a thrill that was when I got the news from editor Col Bury!
I have had a few stories featured at TKnC since then. The thrill never gets old, for me at least. The latest is "The Monkey" which is being featured as part of their Hellicious Halloween special. I'm in some great company, for sure. So, if you want to give my story a read, and check out the others that have already been featured, Click HERE
Special thanks to Lily Childs, editor at TKnC, and one hell of a writer herself, for putting this special Halloween feature together. Well done!
I have had a few stories featured at TKnC since then. The thrill never gets old, for me at least. The latest is "The Monkey" which is being featured as part of their Hellicious Halloween special. I'm in some great company, for sure. So, if you want to give my story a read, and check out the others that have already been featured, Click HERE
Special thanks to Lily Childs, editor at TKnC, and one hell of a writer herself, for putting this special Halloween feature together. Well done!
Monday, October 31, 2011
TKnC Hellicious Halloween Special Kicks Off Today
Check out the complete lineup of authors, stories, schedules, and today's first treat HERE
Thrillers Killers-n-Chillers
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Beat On The Street
- Col Bury has shared some good news. His collection of crime stories "Manchester 6" has been published in eBook format. Col fills you in on all the exciting deets HERE
- Col is also the featured guest over at Richard Godwin's place HERE
- Over at BlogTalkRadio, Paul Brazill, Darren Sant, B.R. Stateham, and Luca Veste are talking about International Hard Boiled and Noir. Check out what they have to say HERE
- Chris Allinotte has a very good story, "Temping Morsels" over at Lily Childs' blog HERE
- The Blackwatertown blog has a couple worthy posts. A very entertaining and well written recap of an encounter with the Queen of England HERE. And there's a lot more to visting Northern Ireland than wall murals ("Kid in the Gasmask" is fav of mine) Find out about the many excellent alternatives HERE
- Charles Gramlih has an excellent post on the "psychology of fear" HERE
- My feeble attempts to keep you up-to-date on whats happening in the crime writing webshpere pale, in comparison with the service Sandra Seamans provides on her blog. Sandra is also a fine writer as well, and has a great Halloween treat on display over at the Flash Fiction Offensive, "The Painter" HERE
- Declan Burke's tremendous new novel "Absolute Zero Cool" is up for an Irish Book Award. Find out more and how to cast your vote HERE
- Ken Bruen is now blogging. Stop in, check it out, and say hello HERE
- And finally, John McFetridge is one of a handful of writers that pen the exact kind of stories I love. If you have not read any of his novels or shorts, you do not know what you're missing. I was pumped to hear that his next one "Tumblin' Dice" is coming out in March 2012. John fills you in HERE
- Declan Burke's tremendous new novel "Absolute Zero Cool" is up for an Irish Book Award. Find out more and how to cast your vote HERE
- Ken Bruen is now blogging. Stop in, check it out, and say hello HERE
- And finally, John McFetridge is one of a handful of writers that pen the exact kind of stories I love. If you have not read any of his novels or shorts, you do not know what you're missing. I was pumped to hear that his next one "Tumblin' Dice" is coming out in March 2012. John fills you in HERE
Chris Allinotte,
Col Bury,
Nigel Bird,
Paul Brazil,
Queen Mutha,
The Fonz,
Tumblin' Dice
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Beat On The Street
Nobody played the "rich kid A-hole" in the 80's like James Spader. In this particular pivotal scene from "Less Than Zero", he's being a real pal to Robert Downey Jr, as well as life coach and occupational, er, counselor (if you know what comes next. Yikes!). Things were a little bit different for me and the high school crew I rolled with, compared to LTZ crowd. It was more like "Dazed and Confused" (one of Matt McConaughey finest performances)
Anyway...plenty happening over the last week:
- Detectives Beyond Borders host, Peter Rozovsky, has a very good entry on display for Patti Abbott's Reginald Marsh Flash-Fiction Challange. Check out "Smithers Should Have Listened" HERE, and then check out the links to all the other entries at Patti's site HERE is an exciting new digital publisher, who from what I can see, are on the right track, with a goal of publishing "established authors and promising new authors in eBook format across various plaforms". If their first debut, pictured below, is any indication, I'm already digging them. I just purchased WCCW and can't wait to get into it. You can check out their web site HERE
- Tony Black's site, Pulp Pusher has a nice interview with Declan Burke HERE
-Speaking of Mr. Burke, he's talking about Gerard Brennan's new novelette, "The Point", which has a great cover HERE.
- Adrian McKinty has a nice little rant about NYC publishers HERE, the title of which might have fit in nicely with The Stones' "Shattered', at least that's what popped into my head.
-Charles Gramlich, writer and host of the Razored Zen blog, keeps meticulous track of what he reads. He shared some very interesting stats HERE
- Joe Konrath is on sabbatical, but his eBook designer, Rob Siders, has the floor as guest blogger and shared some very usefull insight HERE
- Over at Blackwatertown, there is another entertaining segment of "The Day I met..." series. This time it is actor James Nesbitt, who was in among other things, "Waking Ned Divine, "Bloody Sunday", and "Resurrection Man". Enjoy HERE
- Over at Do Some Damage, Steve Weddle shared some pics and a recap of his time at the "Whodunnit: A Day of Mystery Madness for Mystery Fans" HERE
Finally, I posted the following reviews at Smashwords, B&N, and Amazon.
HEARTBREAKER: Julie Morrigan
5 Stars: A Great Trip for Rock Music and Mystery Fans
I'm all about Rock-n-Roll and this novel more than met the high expectations I had going in. Although Heartbreaker is a fictional band, it didn't take long for the author to have me thinking they were real. And when I finished, I was wishing I could go out an buy their CD's. The transitions from the interview style passages to flashback scenes were handled superbly. Along with being an excellent chronology of blues based RnR, there are a few nice subplots, as well as a damn good mystery that runs throughout and kept me guessing until the end. This was an excellent introspection into the behind the scenes world of all that is real rock n roll...the good, the bad, and the ugly. I Could easily see this novel being used in the classroom for courses related to post 1960's rock music history. Just like getting a bonus track on a CD, there is an excellent short included at the end titled "Shadow Man" which in itself, would have been worth the price of admission. The overall presentation and editing were flawless. Highly recommend this to both music and mystery fans.
THE BIG WINK: Steve Brewer
5 Stars: Brewer Delivers Again
As soon as I finished the author's latest novel, LOST VEGAS, it was so good, I jumped right into THE BIG WINK and was not disappointed. A great, fast moving caper tale for sure, with a terrific cast, lots of plot twists, and many riotous laughs. The way the story is told and the characters are top notch. Uncle Graybeard and Detective Holland's boss were just a few of the supporting characters who really added to the enjoyment of the read. I'm finding that a Steve Brewer story not only provides great entertainment, but can actually make a bad day, a good one. As mentioned by another reviewer, this story begs for a screen adaptation, ala, "The Big Lebowski".
Monday, October 17, 2011
Steve Brewer's In The House!
I posted a couple weeks ago HERE about how I discovered today's guest, mystery/crime/ heist writer Steve Brewer. Man, can this guy write AND tell a story. So, I was more than stoked when he agreed to do a Q&A. I have read his three latest novels LOST VEGAS, THE BIG WINK, and CALABAMA since then, and loved everyone of them. On Steve's blog, it says he "writes books about crooks" and he does it so well.
I am both pleased and honored to present you with the below Q&A with Steve.
How long does it typically take you to finish a novel?
SB: Usually around nine months. Takes about three months to write the first draft, and another three months to do the many, many rewrites. I take lots of "cooling off periods" during the rewrites, which is why it usually stretches to nine months.
In your latest novel, LOST VEGAS, of the three central characters, Nick, Tony, and Big Jim Kelton, which one did you come up with first?
SB: I initially thought Nick and Tony were future characters in two different books when I first came up with them years ago. The opening sequence, with the movie theater robbery, was going to be part of a book featuring Tony's crew. Then I started playing around Nick, this former button man who needs to hire some robbers, and it clicked together. Big Jim came later, as I started the first draft.
Big Jim Kelton is a tremendous antagonist. The sections with him in it had me cracking up the most. I’m not taking about smirks and smiles, but full blown laughter. Where did your inspiration for him come from?
SB: Glad you enjoyed Big Jim. I've met a lot of men like him over the years -- local backslappers and gladhanders who'll cut you off at the knees, given half the chance. Big Jim's also got a sadistic streak, which he exercises through his giant Samoan bodyguard, Shamu. They're a scary couple of dudes, in my mind, but good for a lot of laughs, too. I still crack up every time I read that passage where Shamu's on fire and Big Jim is casually putting him out....
THE BIG WINK is centered around the medical marijuana industry. It is a very hot and controversial topic in California, especially lately. How much research did you have to do?
SB: Quite a lot. At the time, we were living in Redding, where THE BIG WINK is mostly set, next to the Emerald Triangle, the most famous marijuana-growing area in the U.S. Dispensaries were springing up all over town, and I talked to some of the local owners and growers and patients while I was researching the industry. I also followed the media coverage, good and bad, for years. I think THE BIG WINK is a succinct snapshot of a place and time, as the Green Rush swamped Northern California a few years ago. But it could all change if the feds follow through on their recently announced crackdown.
After a ten year hiatus, you are getting into teaching again next spring at the University of New Mexico. The class is called “Hard-boiled Fiction and Film Noir" Almost all the followers of this blog and the ones I frequent, are huge fans of these genres. What are you going to be covering with your class?
SB: I'm really looking forward to getting back into the classroom. I teach in UNM Honors, which is like a small liberal arts college within the larger university. Small classes full of really bright students. I taught there for three or four years before we moved to California in 2003, and they always said they'd love to have me back. I offered this class there before, and it was a lot of fun. The main texts are "Hard-Boiled," an Oxford Press anthology edited by Pronzini/Adrian, and Eddie Muller's "Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir." Students also watch a sampling of noir classics such as "Double Indemnity" and "Out of the Past." It's a fun class.
You also offer manuscript editing and polishing services. What are some of the common things you find that need editing and polishing when reviewing a manuscript?
SB: Point-of-view wobbles, overblown description, too many words devoted to the wrong things (the weather, driving directions, reams of backstory), clunky dialogue, poor sentence structure. Too many writers, especially new ones, believe they can just spew word salad everywhere and the rest of us will understand what they mean. If your story isn't clear and easy to read, it doesn't matter how wonderful the ending is. The reader will never get there. For more info about my editing services, your readers can e-mail me at
You novels have some great covers. Do you create them yourself, or does someone create them for you?
SB: I've had mixed luck with cover art over the past 17 years, depending on the publisher and book, but the ones you're referring to are my latest novels, which are published as e-books. Those covers are done by my wife, Kelly Brewer. Kelly is a former newspaper editor who's my first reader as well. The covers she's created recently for LOST VEGAS, THE BIG WINK and CALABAMA have been top-notch.
Heists are by far my favorite genre, especially when they focus on the bad guys, not the cops. I also like a few laughs, along with the suspense, tension, and action. Can you recommend any authors who write these types of stories that I and readers of this blog might not know about, but should take a look at?
SB: Surely, you've read all the Dortmunder novels by Donald E. Westlake. Those are the best. Hell, just go watch "The Asphalt Jungle" over and over. That's all you need.
What are you working on now?
SB: I just started writing a new Bubba Mabry novel (working title PARTY DOLL) in which the Albuquerque private eye is hired to find a missing stripper named Joy Forever. Typical screwy Bubba story. Assuming I finish it, this will be the ninth tale in the Bubba series. One of the great things about e-books is that I can write about a character like Bubba, who has bounced around a lot of publishing houses, and I can be certain someone will publish it. ;-)
I have been trying to spread the good word about you, because that’s the kind of guy I am. If I discover something good, whether it’s a new band, a tune, novel, or a writer, I’m going to tell anyone who I think may have similar tastes. Social media is a great tool for this. How do these types of applications help you as both a writer, and with promoting your various endeavors?
SB: Again, thanks to my wife, I'm very active on Facebook and Twitter. I'm typically a technology foot-dragger, but she'll get me all set up with an account and show me the basics and, next thing you know, I'm a Facebook junkie. But I've always been an enthusiastic promoter of others' work. I used to review mysteries in magazines and newspapers, until I got to know so many mystery writers, I couldn't be objective anymore. I've been a member of DorothyL for more than a decade, talking up books, and I get hard-boiled reading suggestions from rara-avis. I'm fairly new to Twitter, but I'm trying to do that retweet thing whenever I see mentions of books/authors I enjoy.
I love music, have since I can remember. How about you? What’s playing in the car, or the Casa de Brewer?
SB: I'm a big blues fan, my wife less so. When we recently moved back to New Mexico from California, we were in separate vehicles for two days, and I listened to Chicago blues the whole time -- Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters, Elmore James, Jimmy Reed, Etta James, Junior Wells. Just the thing to keep me blasting across the Mojave desert. I also listen to lots of jazz, and the bluesier side of rock: Stones, Allmans, Clapton, JJ Cale. Not many people notice, but all the titles in the Bubba series come from old songs: LONELY STREET, BABY FACE, WITCHY WOMAN, SHAKY GROUND, DIRTY POOL, etc. The exception is the novella SANITY CLAUSE, which is a Christmas story.
Your first published novel Lonely Street, featuring what you have called your franchise player, bumbling Albuquerque private eye Bubba Mabry, was made into film starring Jay Mohr, Joe Mantegna, and Robert Patrick. Can you tell us a little bit about that experience?
SB: It was a lot of fun and a nice payday, though the movie went straight to DVD after a few film festival screenings. I spent two days on the set back when they were shooting in late 2006, and that was a blast. Then we got to attend a premiere at the Newport Beach Film Festival in '09. I formed a tight friendship with Peter Ettinger, who wrote the screenplay and directed the movie, and he and I still bounce around screenplay ideas together.
Where can readers and fans find you online?
SB: takes you to my Amazon page, where there's a bio, my books and my Twitter feed. is my blog, Home Front, which includes a lot of humor, personal/book news and the weekly humor columns I wrote for newspapers for a decade.
I'm also widely available on Facebook, where I post my silly "Rules for Successful Living" everyday, and on Twitter as @BrewerRules.
Where can we find your novels?
Donald Westlake,
Elmore Leonard,
Lost Vegas,
Steve Brewer,
The Big Wink
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Book, The Movie
Found a pretty cool site called "My Book, The Movie". It showcases an author's novel and the author gets to explain who they had in mind, or would envision playing the characters in their novel. Take a look HERE
Deciding something like this for my novel Mindjacker was pretty easy, because I modeled each character after someone famous as I wrote the story. Basically, I had the image in my head and created the character based on that. The above picture is John Paul DeJoria, who I imagined as the nefarious, megalomaniac shrink Joel Fischer. But, I'd be willing to throw Mel Gibson a bone to get his career back on track, if he was up for it. How about any of you. Any famous or infamous people you envisioned playing a part in your stories or novels? Here's the rest of my cast for Mindjacker.
Tom (Fischer's brainwashed guinea pig) : Ewan MacGregor
Bryce (Fischer's other brainwashed guinea pig): Jarod Leto
Johnny Salvation (Fischer's limo driver and closest confidant) : Tony Sirico
Crystal ( Fischer' girlfiend and co-conspirator) : Jenna Lamia
Lee Lee (Crystal's best friend) : Sherry Stringfield
Derrik (Fischer's bodyguard) : Anthony Anderson
James ( Fischer's bodyguard and chemist): Vin Diesel
Evan ( L.A. cop in Fischer's pocket): Josh Brolin
Robert (Russian investor): Mickey Rourke
Jason ( Russian investor): Billy Bob Thornton
Victor (technology & multimedia wizard): Philip Seymour Hoffman
Scott (First victim of the Dreemweever): Jake Gyllenhaal
Merri ( Scott's Wife ): Cameron Diaz
Stephan ( Plastic Surgeon): Robert Klein
Sergey (Russian Hitman): Wladimir Klitschko
Anton (Russian Hitman): Dolph Lundgren
Dodge Challenger (Badass ride): as itself
So, I have handed the studio execs a perfect cast with a kick-ass soundtrack. Now, they just have to get their people in touch with my people to finalize the deal :)
Mel Gibson,
Movie cast,
Russian Hitmen,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Beat On The Street
No, this is not a picture of Heartbreaker, before they hit the big-time. And if you don't know who they are, well, you ain't up to speed on your pop culture history. Mrs. Howell certainly would have had a field day chasing the Heartbreaker lads around with the scissors though.
In other news:
- I finished Steve Brewer's novel, LOST VEGAS, and posted the following review at Amazon and Smashwords.
5.0 out of 5 stars Dig Heists?...You'll Love This."I am a huge fan of heist style stories and this one certainly delivered the goods, and then some. The writing style is smooth as silk. This was a very entertaining read and the pages seemed to fly by. A terrific plot, tremendous characters, lots of action, and many laugh out loud moments. The style is surely reminiscent of Elmore Leonard, but the author adds a Stephen King like touch to it, that makes it his own. This story begs for a movie adaption ala, Oceans 11, Get Shorty etc...Already started reading The Big Wink by the author and am loving it."
I am well into Steve's medical marijuana heist story, THE BIG WINK, and as mentioned, loving it. Couldn't resist taking a sneak-peek at his Hillbilly Noir crime story CALABAMA, which opens with, "Never argue with a man whose tattoos outnumber his teeth".
- Adrian McKinty just announced his next novel, COLD, COLD GROUND is coming out in January. I'm all over that one. Details HERE
- Luca Veste unveiled the cover for OFF THE RECORD HERE
- Found a pretty cool interview Christa Faust did HERE
- The latest edition of Needle Mag is out. Steve Blackmore fills you in HERE
- Speaking of Needle, you can try and win yourself a copy over at Do Some Damage HERE
-While you're over at DSD, be sure to check out the interesting posts and associated comments that have been made the last few days.
- Over at Ashedit, find out how author Rebecca Forster got her novel HOSTILE WITNESS to # 1 on the Kindle charts HERE
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
HEARTBREAKER: Has The Moves Like Jagger
If you have not read any of Julie Morrigan's writing, you don't know what you are missing. I've known Julie for about a year now and she is one of top writers that I really, really dig. Last year, just about this time, I read an interview Julie did with Paul Brazill HERE which I posted about, HERE
I had read a few chapters of what would eventually become Heartbreaker a while back over at Julie's blog, and loved it. So, when she announced that it was just released a couple days ago, it was a big suprise and I downloaded it for ONLY 99 CENTS. What a great read it is. I can't put it down. Even though Heartbreaker is a fictional band, Julie has brought them to life. If you know anyone who digs Rock-n-Roll, this will knock their socks off. The novel also has very good cross over appeal; the story is one that both men and women, who aren't hard core crime lovers, will really enjoy
A full review will be forthcoming (only 100 pages left), but why wait. Go download yourself a copy at Amazon HERE or Smashwords HERE
Julie had a great interview regarding music and Heartbreaker over at Luca Veste's joint HERE
I had read a few chapters of what would eventually become Heartbreaker a while back over at Julie's blog, and loved it. So, when she announced that it was just released a couple days ago, it was a big suprise and I downloaded it for ONLY 99 CENTS. What a great read it is. I can't put it down. Even though Heartbreaker is a fictional band, Julie has brought them to life. If you know anyone who digs Rock-n-Roll, this will knock their socks off. The novel also has very good cross over appeal; the story is one that both men and women, who aren't hard core crime lovers, will really enjoy
A full review will be forthcoming (only 100 pages left), but why wait. Go download yourself a copy at Amazon HERE or Smashwords HERE
Julie had a great interview regarding music and Heartbreaker over at Luca Veste's joint HERE
Juile Morrigan,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Do Some Damage News
One of my many fav blog sites is Do Some Damage. The talent and diversity of the authors who share the daily posting duties is tremendous as is the subject matter. I have learned a lot about crime writing and the authors during year I have been following the site. Here's a couple items that might be of interest.
- John McFetridge, who writes the type of stories I really dig, is taking a hiatus from his DSD Weds slot. Find out why HERE
- Thanks to Sandra Seamans, I found out Steve Weddle, who's also one of the people behind Needle Magazine, has a highly entertaining interview over at the Ginger Nut Case blog HERE
If you can string together 78 words by Friday night, you just might end up in Esquire. Again, thanks to Sandra, you can give it you best shot HERE
Finally, just got a nice note from Steve Brewer after I sent him an email letting him know how much I am digging his latest "Lost Vegas". He's graciously agreed to a Q & A session and I'm stoked about that. Already have "Calabama" and "The Big Wink" on the nook ready to go, while I wait for a couple Pelacanos novels to arrive at my town library (thanks to The Nerd of Noir's recommendations)
- John McFetridge, who writes the type of stories I really dig, is taking a hiatus from his DSD Weds slot. Find out why HERE
- Thanks to Sandra Seamans, I found out Steve Weddle, who's also one of the people behind Needle Magazine, has a highly entertaining interview over at the Ginger Nut Case blog HERE
If you can string together 78 words by Friday night, you just might end up in Esquire. Again, thanks to Sandra, you can give it you best shot HERE
Finally, just got a nice note from Steve Brewer after I sent him an email letting him know how much I am digging his latest "Lost Vegas". He's graciously agreed to a Q & A session and I'm stoked about that. Already have "Calabama" and "The Big Wink" on the nook ready to go, while I wait for a couple Pelacanos novels to arrive at my town library (thanks to The Nerd of Noir's recommendations)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The Beat on the Street
A well known literary agent recently pontificated about 10 things writers must do HERE, which in turn ended up the subject of a great post, and lot's of reader feedback over at Joe Konrath's blog HERE
-Now, if you are looking for some advice / tips that might actually help you, Allan Guthrie has 10 excellent points over at Criminal- E HERE
- Over at Do Some Damage, guest blogger Brian Lindenmuth has some excellent observations on the e-book cover HERE
- Patti Abbott is looking for your take on the best TV cast ensemble HERE
- If you think stock traders have your best interests at heart, might want to check out the post over at Paul Waters' site HERE
- Lot's of new stories have been posted over at A Twist of Noir HERE and Thrillers Killers-n-Chillers HERE
- Big time congrats to FFO head honcho Dave Barber, and William Dylan Powell. Both got some well deserved recognition for their recent short stories. Details HERE
- Jeanette Cheezum is Paul Brazill's guest for his Short Sharp Interview feature HERE
-Now, if you are looking for some advice / tips that might actually help you, Allan Guthrie has 10 excellent points over at Criminal- E HERE
- Over at Do Some Damage, guest blogger Brian Lindenmuth has some excellent observations on the e-book cover HERE
- Patti Abbott is looking for your take on the best TV cast ensemble HERE
- If you think stock traders have your best interests at heart, might want to check out the post over at Paul Waters' site HERE
- Lot's of new stories have been posted over at A Twist of Noir HERE and Thrillers Killers-n-Chillers HERE
- Big time congrats to FFO head honcho Dave Barber, and William Dylan Powell. Both got some well deserved recognition for their recent short stories. Details HERE
- Jeanette Cheezum is Paul Brazill's guest for his Short Sharp Interview feature HERE
Hey Kool-Aid,
Stock Traders,
TV Series
Friday, September 30, 2011
Steve Brewer: Thank Facebook For This One
Noticed on the Mindjacker FB page a small thumbnail picture of "Lost Vegas" by Steve Brewer, letting me know our pages were similiar. I checked it because the cover was cool. Glad I did! Here's why.
I am a huge fan of heists, both novels and movies. Love them. Well, after a bit of recon, it seems Steve is quite prolific in the heist / crime writing arena. Maybe others have heard of him. Can't believe I hadn't. He's got 20 novels out there, mostly heists, but also some PI and even a hillbilly noir. I read the first 2 sample chapters of "Lost Vegas" on his blog, and I was hooked. My nook is going to be busy downloading at least 5 or 6 of the heist stories, based on the premise and covers. He's got some impressive credentials as well (listed below).

STEVE BREWER is the author of more than 20 books, including the recent crime novels LOST VEGAS, THE BIG WINK, CALABAMA and FIREPOWER.
His first novel, LONELY STREET, recently was made into a Hollywood comedy starring Robert Patrick, Jay Mohr and Joe Mantegna. BOOST currently is under film/TV option.
Brewer's short fiction appeared in the anthologies DAMN NEAR DEAD, THE LAST NOEL and CRIMES BY MOONLIGHT, and he's published articles in magazines such as Mystery Scene, Crimespree and Mystery Readers' Journal.
A writing coach, Brewer has taught at the University of New Mexico, the Midwest Writers Workshop and the Tony Hillerman Writers Seminar. He regularly speaks at mystery conventions, and was toastmaster at Left Coast Crime in Santa Fe, NM, in 2011.
He served two years on the national board of Mystery Writers of America, and twice served as an Edgar Awards judge. He's also a member of International Thriller Writers.
Brewer worked as a journalist for 22 years, then wrote a weekly syndicated column for another decade. The column, called The Home Front, produced the raw material for the humor book TROPHY HUSBAND.
Married and the father of two adult sons, Brewer lives in Santa Cruz, California.
Elmore Leonard,
Hillbilly Noir,
Steve Brewer
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